How To Find Raycon Earbuds If Lost? – (Fool Proof Guide)

Wondering how to find Raycon earbuds if lost? Well, this guide will show you the best ways!
If you’ve lost your Raycon earbuds (one or both), or you simply want to take measures against losing them, here we’ll discuss everything.
If you’ve lost Raycon earbuds, we’ll help you find them and if you want to implement a technique for discovering them, this short read will help.
If you’ve lost your Raycon earbuds, you can find them by retracing your steps, recalling their location, or tracking them via the “Find My” app.
While paired, you should play loud music or use Bluetooth scanner applications.
Let’s unveil all these methods in detail!
Can you Track Raycon Earbuds?

Well, tracking your lost Raycon earbuds or not heavily depends on whether the earbuds are paired to your device and working.
If your earbuds are lost, powered off, or not connected to your phone, there is no app or service (except for tracking devices) that can help you.
If your Raycon earbuds are powered off and unpaired, tracking them becomes impossible and the only way of finding them is by recalling their place.
We’ve prepared the best possible techniques regardless of whether your earbuds can pair to your device or not, so let’s jump straight into the methods…
How to Find Raycon Earbuds If Lost – 5 Best Methods
Tip: We recommend reading all the steps below!
1. Retrace your Earbuds

Even if you’ve already done this, retracing your Raycon earbuds is one of the most helpful ways to find where you’ve lost them.
By retracing, we mean recalling the places you have been today and identifying whether your earbuds are lost at home or lost somewhere else, which is crucial.
To make your search even more efficient, we’ve prepared a quick list with common places to check and hopefully find your lost Raycon earbuds.
Here’s where people most often lose their earbuds:
If you have thoroughly checked all these places but your Raycon earbuds are nowhere to be found, there are many more methods for discovering them…
2. Blast Some Loud Music

If your Raycon earbuds are lost but paired to your device (or can be paired), you’re one of the lucky ones.
If you can connect your earbuds (even when lost) to your Bluetooth device, you can blast some loud music and keep your ears open to discover their exact location immediately.
So, open the Bluetooth settings on your mobile and follow the steps below:
- From the main screen go to “Settings.”
- Then, enter the “Bluetooth” menu tab.
- Try to identify if you can pair your buds.
- If you can’t move around your home.
- If you can pair, blast some loud music.
- Keep quiet and try to retrace the audio.
We recommend increasing the volume on your mobile to 95% for the output to be audible, even when you’re not wearing the Raycon earbuds.
From there all you need is to walk around your home, or the places you believe you’ve lost the earbuds, and find where the sound comes from.
Raycon Earbuds Out of Range?

If your Raycon earbuds do not appear in the Bluetooth menu, this generally suggests that your earbuds are in their case, or not near you.
So, while keeping the Bluetooth menu on your phone open, move around your home and check whether “Raycon” will appear in the Bluetooth menu.
If they appear, connect, blast some music, and discover them!
3. Track your Raycon Earbuds
You can track Raycon earbuds both on Android and iOS devices, by using the so-called “Find My” or “Find My Device” apps.
However, keep in mind that for these apps to work, the earbuds must be charged and working, so if they are powered “OFF” this method won’t help.
How to Find Raycon Earbuds on Android?

- First, download the “Find My Device” app.
- Info: On Androids, it’s in the Google Play Store.
- Open the Bluetooth settings on the mobile.
- Pair the device with your Raycon earbuds.
- Open your “Find My Device” application.
- Go to “Find My” and locate your earbuds.
- Tap the earbuds to discover their location.
Note: If the Raycon earbuds were turned “OFF” after being located by the app, you will see their last known location.
How to Find Raycon Earbuds on Apple iOS?
- First, pair your earbuds with the iOS mobile.
- Locate and open the “Find My” application.
- Tap on “Devices” from the tabs in the menu.
- Locate your Raycon earbuds from the list.
- Check their current or last known location.
Tip: By selecting your device in the “Find My” app, you can easily “Play Sound” which helps in locating their exact place.
4. Track Buds in the Raycon App

The Raycon application provides a unique way of scanning for your earbuds and showing their exact location, again, as long as the earbuds are working.
So, open the Raycon application on your mobile, go to the “My Raycons” tab, and from there tap on the Left or Right earbud.
Then, select the “Find” button at the top and start scanning for the lost earbud.
Remember that if the earbud is “OFF” without a battery, this method won’t help.
Note: The Bluetooth connection range is about 15–25 feet (environment-based), so if you can’t pair to your lost Raycon earbud/s, walk around your home.
5. Use Bluetooth Scanner Apps

If you’re unable to locate your Raycon earbuds with the “Find My” app or via tracking them, you can try multiple Bluetooth Scanner apps.
There is a variety of scanning apps for both Android and iOS mobile systems, and they all work the same way, by showing the last known location.
Here are some apps that you can use to scan your Raycon earbud’s location:
You can download these apps from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android), and to use them you need to turn on Bluetooth.
The way they work is that, if connected, they show the signal strength and if not connected, they would show the last known Bluetooth pairing location.
How to NEVER Lose Your Raycon Earbuds?

If you’ve managed to find your Raycon earbuds and you want to never lose them again, there are a few ways to allow you to instantly locate them.
This is a fail-proof method, but you will need to purchase a tracking device that you should attach to the case of your Raycon earbuds.
Here are some tracking devices that are worth the investment:
The AirTag is a tracking device designed by Apple, only compatible with iOS devices and the size and design allow the tracker to be attached to a Raycon earbuds case.
You only need 1 AirTag that will permanently stay with your Raycon capsule, showing the exact case location.
To use the AirTag, you will need the “Find My” app on your iOS device, and when you select the tag, you will instantly see its location.
Hence, when the AirTag is bonded with the Raycon case, locating the AirTag will instantly show you where you’ve lost your Raycon earbuds.
Quick Note: The AirTag can play a very audible sound!

The Tile tracker is a small device, similar to the AirTag, but larger with a designed whole allowing you to attach it to a wallet, keys, and even a Raycon earbuds case.
You can download the Tile app on both Android and iOS devices to always track your tile and the Raycon earbuds.
You can purchase the device online and use all the features to always know the location of your Raycon earbuds, as long as the tile is attached to their case.
This guarantees that even if you lose your Raycon earbuds again, it won’t be for too long!
Quick Recap
How to find Raycon earbuds if lost?
Well, now we know that finding lost Raycon earbuds is possible by tracking them via the “Find My Device” or “Find My” apps by revealing their last known location.
You can also blast loud music while paired to hear where they are.
Follow us for more Raycon earbuds guides and troubleshooting!

Finn Wheatley, a Master’s graduate in Computer Science from UCL, London, honed his skills at small data science consultancies. There, he helped large corporations enhance their data capabilities by deploying cutting-edge machine learning analytics and resolving technical hurdles.