Hello Baby Monitor Not Turning On? – (Top Fixes!)

hello baby monitor not turning on

Hello Baby monitor not turning on, and you’re worried? Relax, it’s probably nothing critical.

Your Hello Baby monitor might have run into a startup fault as a result of a charging problem, internal battery issues, or adapter problems.

In this quick guide, we will review solutions for battery-operated and A/C-powered monitors to ensure that your problem is solved by the end!

How to Fix Whenever the Hello Baby Monitor Not Turning On?

Note: Have you tried holding the monitor’s “Power” button for a longer duration?

1. Power Reset the Hello Baby Monitor

power reset the hello baby monitor

Your Hello Baby monitor can either be outlet-powered or fully battery-operated with a rechargeable via a 3500mAh 3.7v battery pack. 

Based on whether your monitor uses a direct power supply or runs on a rechargeable battery, the power cycle procedure may be different.

How to Power Reset an Outlet-Powered Monitor?

If your Hello Baby monitor uses a direct power supply cord, the power cycle must be conducted by suspending the monitor’s power supply.

Here’s how:

  1. Unplug the power cable from the back of your baby monitor.
  2. Disconnect the other end from the monitor’s electrical outlet.
  3. Wait ~30–35 seconds while the baby monitor is disconnected.
  4. Reseat the power adapter on both ends and turn on the monitor.
  5. Check if there are any issues with the startup or the functionality.

How to Power Reset a Battery-Operated Monitor?

power reset a battery-operated monitor

Well, all you need to do to power reset a battery-operated Hello Baby monitor is connect the charger and hold the “Power” button for roughly 20 seconds.

This should either cause the baby monitor to shut down entirely or start up the device.

2. Change the Monitor’s Outlet (A/C-Powered Monitor)

If the Hello Baby monitor uses a direct power supply adapter, then you should consider installing the cable into an alternative outlet. 

A power supply insufficiency could cause all sorts of irregular behavior in the monitor, including the startup issues it currently faces.

How to Identify a Defective Power Outlet?

how to identify a defective power outlet

You can tell if a power outlet in your home is defective simply by installing a different appliance.

Using a multimeter is an alternative to finding out, but remember to follow all guidelines when interacting with a power outlet.

If your outlet does not seem to deliver electricity, it’s best to seek help from a qualified technician who can conduct a thorough inspection. 

Important: Avoid Third-Party Equipment:

It’s extremely important to avoid connecting the Hello Baby monitor’s power cable through different pieces of external equipment, such as smart outlets, power strips, or extenders.

Ensure the baby monitor is only being tested while the power cable is directly connected to a proven power outlet in your household. 

3. Check for Charging Issues (Battery-Operated Monitor)

check for charging issues (battery-operated monitor)

If you’re still unable to address the Hello Baby monitor not turning on fault, then proceed to diagnose for charging issues with either the monitor or the equipment.

All battery-operated units may develop a charging fault over time that is likely to impact the equipment and suspend the charging. 

Here are a few tips for addressing Hello Baby monitor charging issues:

  • Check if there’s an obstruction of the charging port.
  • Verify the adapter is plugged securely on both ends.
  • Inspect for damages inflicted to the charging adapter.

Note: You’ll know that the monitor is charging by the battery indicators at the top of the screen.

4. Test with a Different Adapter (A/C-Powered Monitor)

test with a different adapter

If you have a hardwired baby monitor, there’s a strong possibility that there’s an issue with the power adapter.

To test with a few adapters, the power cable must be detachable on both ends, and you must also have an identical replacement.

By a standard, Hello Baby monitors with a direct adapter use a 1/8’’ connector on one end, and a regular power adapter on the other.

You should have at least several low-voltage electrical appliances in your home that use an identical adapter. 

To replace the power cord of the Hello Baby monitor, unplug the current cable from both ends and install the replacement.

Press the monitor’s “Power” button to check if the device starts up. 

5. Reinsert the Internal Battery (Battery-Operated Monitor)

reinsert the internal battery (battery-operated monitor)

If you have a battery-operated Hello Baby monitor model, then a quick solution to the sudden startup failure is to reseat the internal battery.

As established, most battery-operated models use a 3500mAh 3.7v rechargeable battery with an adapter straight to the unit’s motherboard.

Disconnecting the battery involves accessing the monitor’s hardware, locating the battery unit, and disconnecting its jack from the motherboard.

Follow these steps to reconnect the battery of the Hello Baby monitor:

  1. Locate the battery compartment on the back of the monitor.
  2. Find the screws holding the compartment’s cover in place.
  3. Use the right screwdriver to loosen and remove the screws.
  4. Expose the battery pack and unplug it from the motherboard.
  5. Carefully remove the battery, after the A/C supply has ceased.
  6. Hold the “Power” button on the unit to discharge it from power.
  7. Place the battery back in and reconnect it with the motherboard.
  8. Close the compartment and check if the baby monitor responds.

How to Identify a Worn-Out Monitor Battery?

While rechargeable batteries are designed to last much longer in comparison to regular ones, frequent signs of degraded battery may include rebooting, powering off, or freezing.

If your monitor has any of these symptoms along with the startup failure, the battery is certainly faulty. 

6. Reset the Baby Monitor to Factory Defaults

reset the baby monitor to factory defaults

If you’ve tried everything but your Hello Baby monitor won’t turn on, it’s time for a factory reset.

By standard, all Hello Baby monitor models have a factory reset pinhole on the rear or side panel that the user can press in order to initiate a reset.

Even if the monitor does not turn on, you can still use a pin or a paper clip to press the internal reset button and clear the issues.

  • If you have a battery-powered monitor, ensure the device is connected to the charger during the factory reset.
  • If you have an A/C-powered monitor, ensure the device is connected to the electrical outlet during the factory reset. 

How to Factory Reset Older Hello Baby Monitors?

The “Reset” pinhole of older Hello Baby monitors tends to be on the rear panel, right next to the speaker panel.

Insert the pin or paperclip you’ve found and hold the button for approximately 5–7 seconds to start the reset. 

Note: If the reset has started successfully, the display of your monitor should display the Hello Baby logo.

How to Factory Reset Newer Hello Baby Monitor?

factory reset newer hello baby monitor

The display of the newer Hello Baby monitors is much bigger in comparison to the older models and the “Reset” pinhole is either on the side or the center of the back panel. 

Feel free to use a pin or a paperclip to press the button for at least 10 seconds to start the reset and cease all interactions.

Note: There may not be any visual indications that the Hello Baby monitor has started the reset.