Blink Doorbell Keeps Going Offline? (Let’s Fix It Fast)

blink doorbell keeps going offline

Worried because your Blink doorbell keeps going offline? Don’t worry and continue reading!

Your Blink doorbell could lose reception due to several causes, such as app issues, network fluctuations, or even problems with the camera’s non-rechargeable batteries.

Let’s start with some surface-level tips and solutions:

  • Re-add the Blink doorbell’s profile from the Blink app.
  • Check if there’s an underlying issue with the network.
  • Reseat the non-rechargeable batteries of the doorbell.
  • Test the Blink doorbell on the hotspot of a smartphone.
  • Restore the camera to the factory default system settings.

Keep reading to find out more about the solutions!

Blink Doorbell Keeps Going Offline – 6 Proven Ways to Fix

Tip: Have you tried performing a reboot on your Blink doorbell and network router?

1. Re-add the Blink Doorbell’s App Profile

re-add the blink doorbell’s app profile

For recording, all of your Blink devices must be registered through the Blink mobile application, so they can be assigned to your household and connected to the internet.

A potential fault with the profile of your Blink doorbell could be repeatedly causing it to lose reception and unpair from the Wi-Fi.

1.1 How to Delete Devices in the Blink Mobile App?

  1. Access the Blink app on your device and go to “Home.”
  2. Tap the “More” button found in the bottom-right corner.
  3. Tap the Blink doorbell’s thumbnail you wish to remove.
  4. Select “Device Settings” and go to “General Settings.”
  5. Tap “Delete Device” at the bottom of the page and wait.

1.2 How to Add New Devices in the Blink Mobile App?

  1. Select “Add device” in the top right of the app’s homepage.
  2. When prompted, scan the QR code on your camera’s panel.
  3. Follow the steps to pair the camera with the BLINK network.
  4. Finalize the setup and pair the doorbell to a Wi-Fi network.

Tip: Verify the Blink app is up-to-date before attempting to remove or add new devices. 

2. Switch Blink to a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi Thread

switch blink to 2.4 ghz wi-fi thread

Perhaps your Blink doorbell camera keeps going offline because of a simple interference conflict due to an incompatible Wi-Fi band. 

  • All Blink doorbell and camera products are only compatible with 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi threads, so make sure the doorbell uses one. 

Note: This only applies to users with dual-band routers as the default frequency of any router is set to 2.4 GHz.

2.1 How to Identify Network Type Via SSID?

The obvious way of telling if a network is 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz is via the SSID.

If there’s a “2.4 GHz” present in the name of your Wi-Fi network, it almost certainly uses this frequency.

An alternative method of finding out is by accessing the router’s GUI and checking through the “Network” tab by pasting the default gateway into your browser.

  • The default login credentials for any router should be “admin” for username and “admin” for password.

Tip: You could also get in touch with your ISP for additional details on your router and network! 

2.2 How to Change Wi-Fi On Blink Doorbell?

change wi-fi on blink doorbell

All you have to do to change the Blink doorbell’s camera is open the app and go to “More (…)” → doorbell thumbnail → “Device Settings” → “Change Wi-Fi” and pick the 2.4 GHz thread.

Then, you will have to follow some simple on-screen instructions to lock in the Wi-Fi selection.

3. Reseat Blink’s Non-Rechargeable Batteries

As you probably know, all Blink doorbell camera models are equipped with a pair of 1.5V, AA, non-rechargeable lithium-ion batteries that can last for up to 2 years.

You will be instantly notified if your camera’s battery health reaches or is near zero, so you can install a battery replacement.

If the camera behaves unusually without the “Low Battery” alert appearing on the display or through the application, we recommend reseating the batteries.

reseat blink’s non-rechargeable batteries

Follow these simple steps to reinsert the Blink doorbell camera’s batteries:

  1. Unmount the Blink doorbell camera from the wall stand.
  2. Locate the battery compartment on the rear panel unit.
  3. Carefully detach the compartment’s cover and remove it.
  4. Use your fingers or a metal object to eject the batteries.
  5. Wait for a full minute while the batteries are taken out.
  6. Reinsert the batteries of the doorbell back into the casing.
  7. Place the compartment cover back on and test the device.

If your camera’s reception loss is accompanied by another unusual behavior, such as shutting down, rebooting, or freezing up, replace the batteries with brand-new ones.

Tip: Ensure the batteries are correctly placed according to the compartment’s positive and negative poles.

4. Troubleshoot your Network for Issues

Instead of your Blink doorbell being the one to blame for going offline, it could be a fault with the router or the network.

There are plenty of solutions that should address inconsistencies with the network connection and help you identify any issues.

troubleshoot your network for issues

Try this on your network:

  • Unplug the router for 60 seconds to perform a “power cycle”.
  • Reduce the network’s utilization by unpairing unused devices.
  • Ensure Blink is within a 100 feet range from the network router.
  • Reconnect the service cable from the back of the network unit.
  • Use the web GUI or app of the router to initiate a factory reset.

Tip: If the network issues are persistent, get in touch with your ISP for further assistance!

5. Reinstall the Blink Mobile Application

reinstall the blink mobile application

An app issue can be an apparent cause for the Blink doorbell keeps going offline fault, as it could cause the camera to repeatedly lose Wi-Fi reception.

That’s why we recommend cleanly reinstalling the app on an Android or iPhone and downloading it from the respective app store.

5.1 How to Reinstall the Blink App On Android Devices?

  1. Open the Google Play Store app on your Android.
  2. Tap on your profile icon at the top of the page.
  3. Head to “Manage apps & devices” from the section.
  4. Select “Manage” and find the app you wish to delete.
  5. Once you’ve found the Blink app, tap on “Uninstall.”
  6. Download the app again through the Play Store app.

5.2 How to Reinstall the Blink App On iOS/iPhone Devices?

reinstall blink app on ios/iphone devices
  1. Locate the Blink app on the homepage of your iPhone.
  2. Next, press and hold the app for roughly 2–3 seconds.
  3. Press “Remove this app” once the action menu shows.
  4. Wait until the Blink app is uninstalled from your device.
  5. Now, open the App Store and download the app freshly.

Tip: Clear the generated excess cache files of the Blink app regularly to avoid future issues with the app.

6. Test the Blink Doorbell On a Mobile Hotspot

The easiest way to tell if the Blink doorbell’s repeated connection losses are caused by the network is to test the camera on an alternative connection.

Your smartphone’s hotspot is an excellent testing opportunity as when enabled, the device becomes a portable Wi-Fi network.

6.1 How to Enable Hotspot On Android & iOS?

enable hotspot on android & ios
  • If you’re on Android, go to “Settings” → “Cellular/Mobile Data” → “Personal Hotspot” and set the feature to “On” before checking the SSID and password.
  • If you’re on an iPhone, head to “Settings” → “Personal Hotspot” → “Allow Others to Join” and check the password under the same tile. 

6.2 How to Connect a Blink Doorbell to a Mobile Hotspot?

To test Blink on a hotspot, you must change the device’s Wi-Fi. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Blink app and tap on the “More (…)” button.
  2. Tap on your doorbell’s thumbnail to open the settings.
  3. Go to “Device Settings” and then “General Settings.”
  4. Select “Change Wi-Fi” and wait until the unit unpairs.
  5. Follow the prompts to assign a new Wi-Fi network.
  6. Pick your smartphone’s name from the networks list.
  7. Enter the hotspot’s password and press “Connect.”
  8. Check if the camera is blinking in steady blue/green.

Note: If the connection is successful, the camera’s status within the app will change to “Online.”

7. Reset the Camera to Factory Defaults

reset the camera to factory defaults

If you’re still having problems with stabilizing the Wi-Fi reception of the Blink doorbell, we recommend a factory reset.

The procedure will erase all content, settings, and data on the doorbell, but hopefully, address the cause of the reception loss.

Follow these steps:

  1. Optional: Unmount your doorbell to access the rear panel.
  2. Locate the “RESET” button on the back of the camera unit.
  3. Press and hold “RESET” for 12 + seconds to start the reset.
  4. Release the button once the unit flashes blue and then red.
  5. Wait until the factory reset commences and ends on its own.

Based on the camera’s performance and storage circumstances, the factory reset may last for as long as several minutes, during which you must avoid all external interactions. 

Once the reset is done, the camera’s status should change back to “Online” within your app!