Fix: ASTRO A50 Not Charging on Base – 8 Easy Steps!

If your ASTRO A50 not charging on base, don’t worry as this is a commonly known problem!
Even though the ASTRO A50 charging base is designed to function flawlessly, charging issues may arise out of a sudden.
That’s why we have prepared this quick guide that will unwrap all the possibilities in one go and will most definitely save you a lot of time troubleshooting in circles…
Here’s the quick fix:
If your ASTRO A50 is not charging on the base station, disable the sleep mode, switch the station to “PC” mode, and thoroughly clean the charging pins.
Also, you may need to switch to a different USB port or reset your headset.
ASTRO A50 Not Charging On Base Station – Fix Easily!
Tip: We recommend following the solutions in order!
1. Turn OFF your A50 *Sleep Mode*

The first and very quick step against the charging problem on your ASTRO A50 headphones is to disable the “Sleep Mode” through the mobile application.
According to many users struggling with the same base charging problem, the headphones won’t charge when sleep mode is “ON.”
Here’s how to quickly disable the sleep mode on ASTRO A50 headphones:
- First, open the Logitech G mobile application.
- You should see your ASTRO A50 headphones.
- Select them and tap the small cogwheel button.
- Again, select your ASTRO A50 from the menu.
- In the list, you must enter the “Sleep Mode” tab.
- Finally, configure the sleep mode to “Disabled”
When the sleep mode is disabled, go ahead and put your ASTRO A50 on the charging station to check whether they are charging.
If the headphones are still not charging, perhaps something else is impacting the functionality, so continue reading the next solution.
Info: The A50 must be paired to your mobile via Bluetooth to unlock the features of the Logitech G mobile application.
2. Set the Base to the Correct Mode

The ASTRO A50 headset’s base station is designed to be connected to the USB port of your PC or Xbox console. Hence, there are two available modes to switch between; Xbox or PC.
You will find the mode switch next to the “CHARGE” port on the green side of your headset base station.
- If you’re connecting the station to a PC, switch to “PC”
- If you’re connecting the station to Xbox, switch to “Xbox”
When the correct mode is switched, position the ASTRO A50 headset onto the base station and check whether you see an orange light.
If not, the headset is not charging, so continue reading!
Note: It’s very important to lift the microphone when positioning the headset onto the base to verify the charging pins contact the station’s terminals.
3. Clean the Station & Headphones

When you position the ASTRO A50 headphones on the charging station, the pins on the station must contact the charging pins on the headphones.
Therefore, if something is obstructing their charging terminals, the A50 headphones won’t charge until unplugged and cleaned thoroughly.
The charging pins on the base station can be seen, because of their gold color, and you can find two of them on the left side and one on the right side.
In turn, the charging pins on your headphones are also located respectively under each headphone, intended to make contact.
So, cleaning might be the only solution for you!
- Acquire 2–3 ear sticks for cleaning.
- We also advise using cotton swabs.
When you have the tools, here’s how to clean the charging pins:

- On the base station, locate the four charging pins.
- Info: The charging pins are very small and pointy.
- Use the ear stick to remove dust/dirt accumulation.
- Use the cotton swab to collect leftover obstructions.
- Repeat the steps for the pins on your headphones.
Verify that the charging pins are shiny and perfectly clean. Then position the ASTRO A50 on the charging station and check whether the orange light will appear.
If you see an orange light, then the headset is charging successfully, so cleaning is the actual solution. If not, continue reading!
4. Switch to a Different USB Port

Another common reason why your ASTRO A50 headset is not charging on the base station is because the station does not receive power as well.
This is possible either because the USB port on your PC/Xbox is not working, or because the USB charging cable is defective/worn out.
So, the quickest thing to do is simply connect your base station to another available USB port on your PC, preferably a USB 3.0.
You can recognize the 3.0 USB ports by their blue color, so reconnect the base station of your ASTRO A50, and then check if the headset is now charging.
Quick Tip: Try to experiment; switch the cable’s sides and test multiple different USB ports to try and localize the issue.
5. Factory Reset your ASTRO A50

If nothing works by far, it’s time to perform a factory reset on your ASTRO A50 headset, either by holding a combination of buttons or through the Logitech G app.
The factory reset will forget the Bluetooth connection of your wireless headset and erase any personal in-app customization.
How to Reset ASTRO A50 via Built-in Buttons?
- Power ON your ASTRO A50 headset via the “ON” button.
- Press and hold the “Dolby” + “Game” buttons continuously.
- Hold both buttons for about 25 seconds and release them.
How to Reset ASTRO A50 via the Logitech App?
- Open the Logitech G application on your mobile device.
- Select your ASTRO A50 headset under the “DEVICES.”
- Tap on the cogwheel in the top-right corner of your app.
- Select the “Factory Reset” option and follow the steps.
That’s it. Your headset is not factory reset and should be charging successfully when positioned on the base station.
Reminder: To unlock the Logitech G app settings, your ASTRO A50 headset must be paired to the mobile device via Bluetooth.
6. Replace the USB Charging Cable

If your ASTRO A50 won’t charge on base, you should know that the USB charging cable plays a vital role in your equipment.
If defective (wear, cable cuts, bent connectors), your A50 headset will not charge, regardless of whether everything else works. So, you need to replace the cable!
The ASTRO A50 base station is not designed to be charged via a USB power adapter into the outlet.
Instead, you’ll need to use a PC or console, so if you have a replacement USB cable, go ahead and test whether this will solve the problem.
If not, order one, and keep reading ahead.
7. Exit Rest Mode on your Machine

If the PC, PlayStation, or Xbox is in sleep/rest mode, according to the system settings, the USB ports might be disabled.
Therefore, if your ASTRO A50 station is connected to a machine that is currently resting, the base might not receive power, hence your headset will not start charging.
So, wake up your machine!
- If you’re on a desktop, verify that your PC is not sleeping.
- If you’re on PS4/5/Xbox, go to the console’s main screen.
If your machine is not sleeping/resting but the ASTRO A50 is not charging, perhaps there is a deeper issue that can’t be localized easily.
Well, we believe we know what’s happening…
8. Wait Out the “Sleep Mode” Stuck

According to many users online, the ASTRO A50 sometimes gets stuck in “Sleep Mode” which prevents the headset from charging until woken up.
The catch is that when they are frozen in this mode, you can’t wake them up by disabling the mode in the Logitech G mobile application.
So, many users with the same charging problem, confirm that they’ve managed to solve the issue by waiting until the battery of the headset drains out.
Yes, this might be a timely solution, but if you’ve tried everything else, there isn’t much you can do but wait until the battery dies.
If that’s not the case as well, there might be a hardware-related issue either with the headset or with the base station.
Tip: We recommend checking your warranty and seeking professional help…
Quick Recap
Hence, if your ASTRO A50 not charging on base station, disable the sleep mode, clean the charging pins, and replace the USB cable.
If this doesn’t work, factory reset the A50 headset and switch to a different USB charging port.
We hope this guide was helpful so follow us for more ASTRO troubleshooting!

Finn Wheatley, a Master’s graduate in Computer Science from UCL, London, honed his skills at small data science consultancies. There, he helped large corporations enhance their data capabilities by deploying cutting-edge machine learning analytics and resolving technical hurdles.