Xfinity Camera Blinking Green? (Try These Fixes!)

xfinity camera blinking green

Concerned about your Xfinity camera blinking green? Don’t worry, this guide unwraps it all!

The green illumination of your Xfinity camera’s indicator light announces the “Factory” mode. 

This state typically occurs shortly after a factory reset commences and could last up to 4–5 minutes, based on the camera’s performance.

We recommend the following to address the camera’s blinking green LED:

  • Wait for several minutes until the indicator goes away.
  • Unplug the Xfinity camera from the A/C power supply.
  • Check if the camera has failed to connect to the Wi-Fi.
  • Check if the Xfinity camera is on the most current OS.
  • Restore the camera to the factory default OS settings.

Keep reading as we go through all of the solutions in detail!

Xfinity Camera Blinking Green – Quick & Effective Solutions!

If the green light comes and goes, it means that the camera is powering off or rebooting as a result of a factory reset or changes in the OS priorities. 

1. Wait Until the Factory Mode Ends

wait until the factory mode ends

As established, the green indicator light on the Xfinity camera indicates the so-called “Factory” mode.

By itself, the “Factory” state should go away after several minutes but if it doesn’t, it could be related to the camera’s OS or Wi-Fi connection.

The first and roughly the easiest thing to do is wait out for at least 10–15 minutes to determine if the indicator’s status will go away by itself. 

If the device has entered the “Factory” mode temporarily, it should usually go away by itself after several minutes of inactivity.

It’s only crucial to avoid pressing any buttons on the Xfinity camera or activating any operations from the mobile app as this may extend the Factory mode duration. 

2. Power Reset Your Xfinity Camera

Another possible cause for the Xfinity home camera blinking green light is a problem within the power supply.

There’s a quick and efficient solution for the persistent green light on the camera and that is to temporarily suspend the power supply, which fixes any hardware-related glitches.

Both indoor and outdoor Xfinity camera models are directly hardwired to an electrical outlet, which means that you can effortlessly perform a power cycle by unplugging it from the power.

power reset your xfinity camera

Follow these steps to perform a power reset on the Xfinity camera:

  1. Unplug the camera’s adapter from the A/C electrical outlet
  2. Optional: Disconnect your camera’s cable from the adapter.
  3. Wait ~60 seconds while the camera equipment discharges.
  4. Plug the Xfinity camera’s cables back in and turn on the unit.
  5. Now, check if the indicator of the camera is still in green light.

Tip: Ensure the camera is not powering off or rebooting as this could also cause the green light!

3. Reestablish Xfinity’s Wi-Fi Connection

A failed Wi-Fi connection could be another cause for the persistent green light on your Xfinity camera.

So, if that’s the case, we recommend a complete uninstallation of the Xfinity camera’s in-app profile and then, a clean setup through the regular Xfinity app or the Xfinity Home app.

Let’s begin with the removal of the camera’s profile first!

3.1 How to Remove Xfinity Camera Profile?

how to remove xfinity camera profile
  • Xfinity app: Open the app, go to “Devices,” search for the Xfinity camera, and select the “Uninstall Device” or “Remove Device” option in the settings.
  • Xfinity Home app: Open the app and go to “24/7 Video Recording” → “OFF” → Camera screen → “Settings” button → “Delete Camera.”

Once the camera is removed, all of its settings will be permanently erased from both the application and your Xfinity user account.

3.2 How to Re-add Xfinity Camera to the App?

re-add xfinity camera to the app

After a successful removal, follow these steps to re-add the Xfinity camera:

  • Xfinity app: Access the app and go to “Account” → “Activate Xfinity Camera” to begin the initial setup of the device.
  • Xfinity Home app: Go to the homepage of the app, select “More” on the bottom, and press “Add a Device” → “Xfinity Camera.”

Halfway through the setup, you will be prompted to pick an active Wi-Fi connection for the camera, so make sure that both the network’s SSID and password are input correctly. 

4. Check for an OS Update of the Camera

If you still haven’t found a fix for the Xfinity camera blinking green, we can also recommend updating the Xfinity camera’s OS to the most current version.

check for an os update of the camera

The outdated OS could be the reason why the camera has entered the “Factory” mode and refuses to function properly for as long as the indicator remains lit in green. 

Unfortunately, OS updates are conducted automatically by Xfinity, so you can do a couple of things such as checking the current OS and ensuring your device is connected.

4.1 How to Check the Xfinity Camera OS Version?

You can view the current firmware of your Xfinity camera by navigating to the Xfinity app → three dots “Settings” button → “Device” → “Technical Info.”

There, you can find the exact type of iCam you have along with specifications regarding the performance and the firmware. 

4.2 Why is the Xfinity Camera’s OS Not Updating?

If the Xfinity camera refuses to receive an automatic update, it could be due to the following:

  • There’s an issue with the internet connection.
  • Your Xfinity account is suspended or inactive.
  • The Xfinity application’s firmware is outdated.

We recommend ensuring there aren’t any issues with your router or network, and then updating the Xfinity app to the most current version.

You can do that through Google’s Play Store or App Store on your smartphone, as long as the device is connected. 

Notice: Get in touch with Xfinity for pending account suspensions or other user-related issues! 

5. Wire the Camera Over Ethernet (If Supported)

wire the camera over ethernet (if supported)

If the Xfinity camera supports a hardwired connection, you should certainly consider connecting it over a physical Ethernet cable with your network’s router or gateway.

As established, drops in the internet connection could be a leading cause for the sudden green illumination of the camera’s indicator.

So, the first step is to check if the camera has an Ethernet socket or jack that you can connect the cable in.

How to Set Up Xfinity Camera Over Ethernet?

Fortunately, the hardwired setup is far easier in comparison to the Wi-Fi installation.

  • All you need to do is connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the camera and the other end to a yellow port on your router or gateway.

Then, the camera will begin the wired setup by itself, after which you should be able to discover its profile within the Xfinity app.

Note: If the camera does not have a profile, you must redo the initial setup through the app!

6. Reset Xfinity Through the Web Portal

reset xfinity through the web portal

As attempting to reset the Xfinity camera through the reset button might be ineffective while the indicator is green, we recommend a web portal factory reset. 

You can easily initiate the factory reset through your smartphone, PC, or laptop, as long as it is connected to the internet, which will trigger the initialization.

Follow these steps to start a web portal factory reset for the Xfinity camera:

  1. Open a web browser on your PC, laptop, or computer.
  2. Navigate to the official Xfinity website on the device.
  3. Once prompted to sign in, enter your user credentials.
  4. Now, navigate to “Stream” → “Settings” → “Devices.”
  5. Now, tap on your Xfinity camera from the list of options.
  6. Find the “Factory Reset” option in the camera’s settings.
  7. Follow the steps to confirm the factory reset and then exit.

Note: If the web portal does not do anything, hold the physical “RESET” button on the back of the camera for 5–10 seconds.