Why Is My VTech Baby Monitor Beeping? (Easy Fix!)

why is my vtech baby monitor beeping

If you’re asking “why is my VTech baby monitor beeping,” you’re not the only one asking! So, the beeping has driven a lot of attention in the VTech community.

Well, it appears that the persistent beeping of the VTech baby monitor could be occurring as a result of multiple things:

  • There’s a fault with the range of your baby monitor.
  • The VTech baby monitor cannot charge sufficiently.
  • The temperature in your baby’s room is hot or cold.

That’s it. Not much, but surely enough to take no more than 15 minutes of your time to inspect.

Fortunately, we’ve structured a helpful guide, so proceed further to review our working solutions!

Why is My VTech Baby Monitor Beeping? – Proven Ways to Fix

Tip: Have you tried rebooting and powering off the VTech parent unit?

1. Verify the Parent Unit is Charged

verify the parent unit is charged

The most often cause for the beeping is if the parent unit lacks sufficient power supply.

Unlike the baby (camera) units of your VTech setup, the parent unit uses a rechargeable connector battery with a standard prong adapter to connect to the wall outlet and deliver a power supply.

1.1 How to Check if VTech Monitor is Charging?

The first sign of successful charging will be a clicking sound upon inserting the connector into the monitor’s port.

Then, if the VTech monitor is receiving power uninterruptedly, the power bar icon in the upper-right corner should start blinking and repeatedly go empty and fill up again.

1.2 How to Detect Charging Issues with a Monitor?

detect charging issues with a monitor

If there’s no visible indication of charging and the baby monitor doesn’t respond to the charger, it’s highly likely that there’s an underlying charging fault. 

We recommend inspecting the following possibilities:

  • Ensure the charging adapter is safely secured on both ends.
  • Inspect the charging port of the monitor for any obstructions.
  • Install the baby monitor’s charger in a different outlet to test.
  • Attempt to charge your monitor with a different cable/adapter.

Note: While testing the charging of the VTech baby monitor, ensure there isn’t any damage to the charging adapter or the charging cable. 

2. Reposition the VTech Monitor 

reposition the vtech monitor

The next possible cause, whenever the VTech baby monitor keeps beeping, is a range-related issue.

By a standard, most baby monitors can maintain a connection from a significant range, but that quickly changes if there are sources of interference or solid obstructions in the way.

Important: Remember that placing the baby monitor closer than 3–5 feet from the baby camera will cause it to produce static noise.

2.1 How to Properly Position VTech Baby Monitor?

For undisrupted connection, we recommend positioning the baby monitor within a 50–70 feet distance from the camera.

This way, even if there’s a wall in between, the devices should still sustain a strong connection, without having to worry about the monitor beeping or static noise.

2.2 How to Check for Wireless Interference Sources?

check for wireless interference sources

As established, the range is often irrelevant if there are potentially interfering wireless devices.

The baby monitor and camera connect through a standard 2.4 GHz Bluetooth signal, meaning it can be easily disrupted by devices communicating over the same frequency (e.g. networks).

Ensure none of the following devices are near the monitor or camera:

  • Wirelessly connected Bluetooth speakers of any type.
  • Other devices that connect over a 2.4 GHz frequency.
  • Cellular phones, transmitters, or any type of radio unit.

Note: In practicality, it’s best to keep any type of wireless device in a 20–30 foot radius from both the VTech camera and parent unit.

3. Regulate the “Temperature Alert”

regulate the temperature alert

If you’re still asking why is my Vtech baby monitor beeping, you need to check for an alert!

The beeping is possibly caused by the Temperature Alert feature on your VTech baby monitor.

If enabled, the alert will notify whenever the upper or lower temperature limit has been reached, via the consistent beeping you’re hearing. 

However, the parent unit will only notify (beep) for changes in the temperature if the alert has been activated manually. 

3.1 How to Check if the Alert is Enabled?

Use the navigation arrows to highlight the temperature icon in the lower part of the screen, right next to the star and bell icon.

Press “OK” to extend the menu and highlight the first option to enable or disable the temperature alert.

Ensure the feature is set to “ON” and exit the menu.

3.2 How to Regulate the Alert on VTech?

regulate the alert on vtech

All of the VTech baby cameras have an in-built temperature sensor that can be regulated through the “Temperature Alert” options on your monitor.

The feature is designed to alert the parents (monitor) whenever the temperature in your baby’s room is either too hot or too cold. 

  • To adjust the lower threshold of the alert, highlight the second option in the menu and set the desired temperature. 
  • To adjust the higher threshold of the alert, highlight the third option in the menu and set the desired temperature.

So, if the temperature alert is activated and the beeping doesn’t stop, check the temperature in the baby’s room through the indicator in the upper corner of the monitor.

You need to verify that it doesn’t go below the lower threshold or pass the higher threshold of the preset temperature.

4. Restore the Monitor to Defaults

restore the monitor to defaults

If the VTech baby monitor beeping while plugged in, then the issue is certainly not related to a fault with the charging.

The factory reset is effective in the case of any problem, as long as the hardware of the VTech parent unit is not damaged or there isn’t an ongoing fault with the battery.

Here are the simple steps to factory reset the VTech parent unit:

  1. Ensure the parent unit is connected to a power outlet.
  2. Press the “PAIR” key on the back for up to 5 seconds.
  3. Release the button if the parent unit beeps differently.
  4. Press the “PAIR” button 5 times and wait for the beep.
  5. Wait 2 minutes until the monitor has finished resetting.

The beeping produced from the factory reset sequence should slightly differ in pitch and tone from the alert beeping made by the parent unit.

If you cannot tell the differences between the two types of beeping, follow the instructions regardless.

Tip: If the beeping is still there, reach out to VTech for professional assistance!