Is Your BenQ Projector Not Turning On? (Working Fixes!)

benq projector not turning on

If your BenQ projector not turning on, don’t panic! It doesn’t always mean a hardware failure! 

Your BenQ projector may have developed an issue as a result of a bad lamp door installation, poor ventilation, and even the integration of unoriginal parts. 

In this guide, we will learn about how the different modes of the BenQ projector may impact functionality and discover expert ways to resolve problems.

BenQ Projector Not Turning On – Fixed in 6 Easy Methods

Tip: Have you tried plugging the BenQ projector into a different outlet?

1. Exit the “Bluetooth” Mode on BenQ

exit the “bluetooth” mode on benq

The first and easiest solution for the projector’s startup fault is to check if the “Bluetooth” mode is active.

Upon pressing the “Bluetooth” button on the periphery, your projector will either enter or exit the Bluetooth mode respectively, which could temporarily deactivate all of the functions.

1.1 How to Know if the Projector is in “Bluetooth” Mode?

The power LED indicator is the only way of knowing if the BenQ projector’s “Bluetooth” mode has been activated.

Hence, if the indicator is in solid green, it means that the device is actively searching for a wireless connection, causing it to look like none of the projector functions work.

Regardless of how many times you’ve pressed the on button, the “Power” indicator will remain lit in solid green for as long as the “Bluetooth” mode is active.

1.2 How to Exit “Bluetooth” Mode On BenQ Projector?

As established, pressing the “Bluetooth” button once exits the “Bluetooth” mode of the BenQ projector, as long as the “Power” indicator is lit.

However, even if none of the LEDs are on, you should still press and hold the button for at least 5 seconds to check if the projector responds.

2. Unplug BenQ From the Power Supply

unplug benq from the power supply

The power cycle is a basic, yet extremely persistent solution for addressing any problems with the BenQ projector.

All you need to do is ensure the projector’s power supply is disrupted for a lasting minute until all of the internal capacitors have drained.

  • To power cycle the BenQ projector, unplug the power cable from both ends and wait 30 seconds while holding the “Power” button.

The steps above ensure that your BenQ projector will drain all residue electricity and relaunch all system functions once the power adapter is reconnected. 

3. Ensure BenQ’s Lamp Door is Intact

ensure benq’s lamp door is intact

If you’ve recently disassembled the lamp compartment of the BenQ projector, it’s possible that the BenQ projector lamp not turning on fault will emerge.

  • Keep in mind that in order for the lamp and all segments of the BenQ projector hardware to start working, the lamp door must be intact.

Otherwise, the device’s safety mechanism will kick in and make it look like the projector is defective or no longer responds to inputs.

3.1 How to Find the BenQ Projector Lamp Door?

The lamp door can be located on the top panel of the projector, right next to the navigational buttons.

It has a squarish shape and between 4–6 screws can be spotted for each of the door’s corners.

It is also right next to the metallic projector tip and vents of the BenQ device.

3.2 How to Secure the BenQ Projector Lamp Door?

secure the benq projector lamp door

If you’re attempting to test a new part on your projector and haven’t reinstalled the lamp door, ensure to place it on the top panel so it can click in with the safety mechanism.

If not installed, the projector will not start working regardless of what you attempt, press, or do to the projector.

To reinstall the lamp door, place it carefully on top of the opening and tightly secure each of the screws so it clicks in with the rest of the panel.

4. Check if the Projector is Overheating

The next thing to check is if the BenQ projector’s temperatures are regulated and below the overheating margin.

As you probably know, projectors are prone to extensive heat and tend to excessively warm up during prolonged streaming sessions.

If anything goes wrong with the projector’s ventilation, this could lead to damage to the internal components and irreversible projector faults.

check if the projector is overheating

Here are several tips to prevent BenQ from overheating:

  • Temporarily prevent all functions on the BenQ projector.
  • Ensure all panels of the device are free of dust or debris.
  • Check if nearby heat conductors are warming up the unit.
  • Move the projector to a well-ventilated and dust-free spot.

Touching the top and rear panels of the BenQ projector should be enough to check if the device is overheating or not.

Additionally, the sudden RPM increase of the projector’s fans could also be an indication that the device is having trouble regulating the temperature.

5. Reinstall the Projector’s Original Parts

If you’ve installed non-original parts in the hardware of the BenQ projector, such as a third-party lamp, bulb, or capacitor segments, there’s a strong possibility that the device will not start.

reinstall the projector’s original parts

All projector models are sensitive to parts that haven’t been produced by the manufacturer and do not carry an original serial number. 

That’s why all replacement parts must be ordered directly from the manufacturer and even installed by them if you do not possess the necessary qualifications for the procedure. 

How to Test BenQ Projector with Old Original Parts?

If the part you’ve replaced does not directly impact the functionality and startup of your projector, you should reinstall it back in the same way it was replaced. 

If the replacement was done by you, then reinstall the previous part, even if it no longer works, to determine if the BenQ unit starts up again.

All you need to do is ensure the projector starts up and works properly, before ordering an original replacement from BenQ.

6. Inspect the Projector for an Internal Fault

inspect the projector for an internal fault

If the BenQ projector not turning on after attempting all solutions in the guide, then there’s a high chance that the fault is on a hardware level.

It can be challenging to diagnose an internal fault with the projector, as the issue can range from a simple capacitor malfunction, all the way to a failure of the control board.

Nonetheless, let’s build our way up from simple to more complex and identify the fault!

Note: Disassembling the projector will void the product’s warranty if it is still active!

6.1 How to Access BenQ Projector Internal Hardware?

  1. Uninstall the lamp door of the BenQ projector and remove it.
  2. Flip the projector over and unscrew the bottom compartment.
  3. Gently pry open the outer casing of the unit until it comes off.
  4. Detach the top cover and remove the lamp box if it goes loose.

6.2 How to Inspect BenQ Projector Internal Components?

Alert: Ensure the projector is unplugged from the power before proceeding and wear isolated equipment during the inspection. 

#1. The capacitors: Upon taking off the face and frontal plate of the projector, take a close of the small bubble-like capacitor segments on the motherboard of the projector. 

How to check: The capacitors may be blown or have a burnt spot on the top part. If so, carefully eject the capacitor and take it to a technical store to find a replacement.

inspect benq projector internal components

#2. The projector PSU: The BenQ projector’s “PSU” or Power Supply Unit is responsible for distributing power supply to all segments of the hardware.

How to check: Visible damage to the wires coming from the PSU; Loose or unsecured segments and/or capacitors on the PSU.

#3. Mainboard “C” wires: The “C” wires are the power supply cables that connect the projector’s mother and control boards with the PSU of the projector. 

How to check: Check if the “C” wires are secure on both ends, and examine the wires for rips, cuts, or burnt spots, exhibiting hardware damage. 

#4. Cooling system failure: The regulating segment of the cooling system no longer works, therefore all fans inside the BenQ projector stop, leading to consistent overheating.

How to check: Ensure each of the projector’s fans has a rotation by temporarily plugging the unit with power. Check the control cables plugging the vent regulation unit with the mainboard.

Note: If you’re unable to conduct the examination by yourself, it’s best to seek professional help from the manufacturers, especially if your warranty is still up-to-date.