Is Your BenQ Projector Flickering? – (Here’s How to Fix)

benq projector flickering

BenQ projector flickering is a common issue that can stem from an improper configuration of the HDMI equalizer, issues with the video cable, or output device problems.

The most important step in addressing the fault is thoroughly understanding all possible causes for the flickering and then applying the correct countermeasures.

Our solutions include:

  • Adjusting the HDMI equalizer of the projector.
  • Checking if there’s a fault with the video cable.
  • Adjusting the “Lamp Mode” of the BenQ device.
  • Testing the power supply of the BenQ projector.
  • Adjusting the input device’s video configuration.

For a detailed walkthrough of these steps and much more, keep reading!

How to Fix BenQ Projector Flickering in 7 Easy Steps?

Tip: Try to reboot the projector both through the built-in “Power” switch and the remote control.

1. Adjust BenQ’s HDMI Equalizer Option

adjust benq’s hdmi equalizer option

The HDMI equalizer option is an essential configuration for any BenQ projector connected over HDMI.

If you use a connection other than HDMI, then proceed with the second step or keep reading to learn the best video adjustments for HDMI regardless.

1.1 How to Access the BenQ HDMI Equalizer?

  • To adjust the HDMI Equalizer on your BenQ projector, go to “System Setup” → “ADVANCED” → “HDMI Settings” then press on “HDMI Equalizer.”

There, you will find all the HDMI settings your projector has to offer.

1.2 How to Adjust the BenQ HDMI Equalizer?

adjust the benq hdmi equalizer

The HDMI equalizer has the following options:

  • “H Position”
  • “V Position”
  • “Clock rate”
  • “Phase”

If the projector was set to “Auto” until now, use the arrow buttons to select “EDID 2.0” or “EDID 1.4” to cycle the configuration.

Then, according to your broadcast surface, adjust the “H” and “V” positions.

Set the “Clock Rate” to “50” and the “Phase” to “50” as well to eliminate potential disruptions and flickering of the broadcast.

2. Reconnect the Video Projection Cable

reconnect the video projection cable

Perhaps, a fault with the video cable connection causes the BenQ projector screen flickering that’s repeatedly interrupting your streaming session. 

If that’s the case, we recommend reseating the video cable of the projector, and if that doesn’t help, replacing it with another.

Verify the video cable you use for broadcasting through the input unit is securely connected on both ends and cycle through the source of the projector to refresh.

One More Thing: Test with a Different Cable!

If the flickering is persistent, we recommend installing a replacement video cable to use with the NVR, advisably an HDMI.

Most BenQ projectors can be connected over a DisplayPort, DVI, VGA, and even USB for some advanced models.

Tip: If you change the connection type, don’t forget to cycle to the correct input source!

3. Adjust the “Lamp Mode” of the Projector

adjust the “lamp mode” of the projector

Perhaps, the flickering has occurred as a result of adjusting the BenQ projector’s Lamp Mode.

There are several functionalities available to the BenQ lamp mode, so let’s review them in detail:

BenQ Projector Lamp Mode Options
Lamp ModeFunctionality
“Normal”Provides the projector’s lamp with full power and increases the brightness.
“Economic”Lowers the lamp’s brightness, reduces the fan’s noise, and halves power consumption.
“SmartEco”Automatically configures the projector’s lamp mode based on the streamed content. 

We recommend using the “Normal” mode of the BenQ projector to adjust sudden reductions in the power supply, lamp brightness, and other factors that could lead to flickering. 

How to Adjust “Lamp Mode” On BenQ Projector?

You can adjust the lamp mode of your BenQ projector by navigating to “SYSTEM SETUP” → “Basic” → “Operation Settings” → “Auto Power Off.”

Then, use the “Left/Right” arrow buttons to choose between the available lamp modes.

4. Reset the Power Supply of the Projector

reset the power supply of the projector

If you’re still having issues with the BenQ projector flickering, then perhaps, the problem is power-related.

Your BenQ projector’s broadcast could be repeatedly disrupted because of an inconsistency in the power supply as a result of a cable or an outlet problem.

  • You can power reset the BenQ projector by disconnecting the power adapter for 50–60 seconds.

It is also recommended to remove all third-party power equipment present in the projector’s setup and test the device in an alternative power outlet.

If the issue persists and there are other symptoms of power insufficiency, we recommend getting in touch with BenQ for more help.

5. Reset the Projector to Factory Defaults

Performing a factory reset on the BenQ projector is a method to address potential faults with the device’s system functions.

However, you should keep in mind that the reset will erase all of your projector’s settings and prompt you to set up the device from scratch.

reset the projector to factory defaults

Here’s how to factory reset the BenQ projector:

  1. Use the “Menu” button on your projector’s top panel.
  2. Tap the Up/Down arrows to go to the “System” page.
  3. Highlight “Factory Default” and confirm the selection.
  4. Choose “Reset” in the projector’s confirmation prompt.
  5. Follow the instructions to finalize the projector’s reset.

Alert: After the reset is finalized, the projector will power off and reboot. 

6. Check if the BenQ Bulb Defective 

check if the benq bulb defective

Several indicators in the system of your projector can inform you of the projection lamp’s end-life or efficiency.

Before searching for professional assistance, it’s recommended to gather as much information as possible about the condition of your projector, to shorten the repairing length.

How to Know if BenQ Projector Lamp is Bad/Defective?

There are several ways to identify a dying lamp:

  • Check the lamp hours by going to OSD → “Information” → “Lamp Hours.

If the lamp hours are significantly reduced or near zero, you will receive an on-screen warning with a reminder of the bulb’s remaining efficiency.

  • Search for a lamp warning LED on the top surface of the BenQ projector.
benq projector lamp is bad/defective

An LED on the surface of the projector could be actively warning you about the lamp’s end-life.

Consult with the user manual to find out which LED exactly displays the remaining lamp life. Perform a physical inspection of your projector’s bulb.

Turn off the projector, disconnect it from the power, and allow it to cool down.

Access the bulb compartment on the top panel and search for cloudy spots, cracks, burn marks, or damage.

Tip: If the bulb has either of these symptoms, get in touch with BenQ to claim your warranty!