Your Crosley Record Player No Sound? (Let’s Fix It Fast)

crosley record player no sound

Crosley record player no sound, and you’re worried? Worry no more and continue reading!

There are quite a few different possibilities as to why Crosley record player built-in speakers are not working.

The primary suspects are connected Bluetooth devices, enabled Bluetooth mode, too low volume setting, or incorrect positioning of the tonearm’s cartridge or stylus.

In this guide, we’ll go through everything and help you solve this problem in a matter of minutes.

Crosley Record Player No Sound – Here’s How To Fix!

Note: Have you tried soft resetting the record player by unplugging it from the wall outlet?

1. Unpair Bluetooth Connections

unpair bluetooth connections

The Crosley record player uses Bluetooth connectivity for an external output, which bypasses the built-in speakers entirely.

So, if you currently have a wireless unit (speakers/headphones) connected via Bluetooth to your Crosley record player, the built-in speakers will not play audio.

There are a couple of ways to unpair your Bluetooth devices:

  • Power OFF your Bluetooth devices.
  • Disable the unit’s Bluetooth feature.
  • Forget the Crosley Bluetooth profile.

How to Forget Bluetooth Profile?

Here’s how to disconnect from the Crosley record player when using a smartphone:

  • To forget your Bluetooth profile on Android, go to Settings → Connected devices → Connection preferences → Bluetooth → Crosley → Forget
  • To forget your Bluetooth profile on iPhone, go to Settings → Bluetooth → Crosley → Info icon → Forget this Device → Forget.

The general idea is to ensure that your Crosley record player is not sending the audio output to an external wireless device.

This way, the output from the turntable will play from the speakers. If you hear no sound, continue reading…

2. Set the Player to PHONO Mode

set the player to phono mode

If you take a look on the right of the Crosley turntable, you should see the Bluetooth/PHONO switch, allowing you to control the general mode.

If you want to listen to vinyl records and play the audio output from the built-in speakers, you will need to set the switch to “PHONO” mode.

So, flip the switch to the right, so you can select the “PHONO” mode, spin your vinyl record, and check whether the built-in speakers are working.

If not, continue reading ahead…

3. Increase the Speaker’s Volume

The reason for the Crosley record player no sound from speakers issue could be due to the very low volume.

You can quickly check and eliminate this possibility by turning the Volume knob to the right until the audio output from the built-in speakers becomes audible.

increase the speaker’s volume

You can recognize the Volume knob by the labels MIN–ON/OFF and MAX.

  • If you turn the knob all the way to the MIN, you will power off the turntable.

So, rotate the knob clockwise until you hear a click (meaning the player is on), and then go towards the “MAX” to crank up the volume.

Quick Tip: You can increase and decrease the volume while playing your vinyl record players!

4. Disconnect Input/Output Units

Since the Crosley record players are an all-in-one product, you can connect outputs to hear the sound on them or connect inputs to supply audio to the turntable.

Hence, the problem could be coming from the input/output devices that you’ve connected, so we advise disconnecting them.

disconnect input/output units

On the back of the Crosley record player, there is an AUX input as well as RCA ports.

  • You must verify that there are no devices connected to either of these ports.

Also, on the top of the record player, near the toneram, there is a headphone JACK, which you must ensure is disconnected.

When you have nothing connected to your Crosley record player, besides the power cable, test if the built-in speakers will play audio when you spin your record.

5. Reset the Crosley Record Player

The reset on the Crosley record players doesn’t work like a factory reset, instead, it’s more of a power discharge and reboot.

So, to reset the turntable, disconnect the power supply from the outlet for 10–15 minutes, and in the meantime proceed to read the guide further for inspection.

Note: After the time has elapsed reconnect the Crosley record player and test the audio output.

6. Inspect the Stylus and Cartridge

inspect the stylus and cartridge

It’s possible that the Crosley record player no sound issue appears because the stylus is not contacting the record grooves for one reason or another.

This is why we recommend checking if the stylus and cartridge are correctly aligned and if your stylus is contacting the record grooves.

If not, we’ve prepared some steps to help you out!

6.1 Stylus Replacement:

To replace the stylus on your Crosley record player you must pull down the needle’s red case downwards until it comes off.

Then the replacement stylus just clicks back into your cartridge.

Important Note: Also closely inspect the tip of the stylus and whether it’s bent, missing, or dirty!

6.2 Cartridge Alignment:

cartridge alignment

Another important factor is the position of the cartridge.

If your cartridge is not correctly aligned, the stylus won’t contact the record properly.

In turn, this can cause sound distortion or no sound at all, hence you’ll need an alignment protractor to ensure that the cartridge is correctly aligned.

To align the cartridge via an alignment protractor follow these steps:

  1. First, turn off your Crosley record player via unplugging.
  2. Remove the record and put the protractor on the spindle.
  3. Locate the lower/upper crosshair point on the protractor.
  4. Lower the tonearm and cartridge to the lower crosshair.
  5. Verify that the cartridge is parallel to the lines of the grid.
  6. If not parallel, use a screwdriver to loosen the cartridge.
  7. Then align the cartridge and repeat with the upper point.

When the stylus and cartridge are both inspected and looking good, spin your record and check whether the sound will start playing.

If not, use a different vinyl record to exclude this possibility.

7. Utilize an Output Device (Bypass)

Well, if your Crosley record player has no sound, and you can’t discover the problem, the next thing to try is using an output device.

This is not entirely a solution, but more of a workaround if we start to consider the possibility that the built-in speakers of your turntable might be defective.

So, you can output sound from your Crosley record player in two ways:

7.1 RCA Output

rca output

You can find the RCA ports on the back of your Crosley record player, with labels R (right) and L (left).

To output any sound from there, you will need an RCA cable and a device that supports RCA input.

Then you can connect your Crosley player to a speaker and listen to your records.

7.2 Headphones 

Alternatively, you can connect headphones to the “HEADPHONE” jack on top of your Crosley record player.

This will immediately bypass the built-in speakers and the audio output from your records will be audible on the headphones.

We recommend trying to see whether this will work.

Crosley Record Player Still Has No Sound?

If you’ve tried everything, but you can’t make the built-in speakers work, perhaps there is a hardware defect with them.

The best thing to do from here on is to try claiming the turntable’s warranty or bringing the device for specialized servicing.