Crosley Record Player Too Fast? (Here’s The Easy Fix!)

crosley record player too fast

Crosley record player too fast and the playback sounds weird? Don’t worry and read ahead!

There are quite a few possibilities that may cause your Crosley record player to sound too fast and in this quick guide, we’ll explore all of them. 

Here’s a quick list of everything you need to check:

  • You are not using the correct speed setting.
  • The turntable is not leveled, tilted, or wobbly.
  • The belt is loose, or the platter is misplaced.
  • The supplied wall outlet voltage is incorrect.
  • Your speed selection switch is not working.

Let’s jump into troubleshooting, shall we?

Crosley Record Player Too Fast – Fixed in 6 Easy Steps!

Note: Have you calibrated the position of the arm’s cartridge using an alignment protractor?

1. Use the Correct Rotation Speed 

use the correct rotation speed

If your Crosley record player is too fast, perhaps you’re not using the correct speed for your type of vinyl record.

The Crosley record player comes with three different speed settings, and each of them is designed for a different kind of record. 

So, let’s go over the speed settings and find out which one is for your record:

  • 33 ⅓ – This is the slowest speed available, primarily used for long-format records, and is the most commonly used.
  • 45 – This is the medium speed setting, typically used for records with singles, also known as EPs.
  • 78 – This is the fastest rotation speed available, only used for records released around or before 1950.

If you’re unsure which speed setting aligns with your record, we recommend setting it to 33 ⅓ RPM, and if it’s too slow try 45 RPM. 

Note: If nothing helps and the speed is too fast, set it to 33 ⅓ and continue reading ahead!

2. Verify your Turntable is Leveled

verify your turntable is leveled

The next crucial requirement for correct rotation speed on any turntable, not only Crosley, is the leveling of the record player.

If your turntable is tilted or wobbly, the platter’s rotation will not be correct, hence you may either experience too-slow or too-fast platter rotation speed problems.

The best way to level your Crosley turntable is to position it on a solid surface (no carpets) and use the adjustable feet.

You can take this one step further and use a spirit level to ensure that the Crosley record player is perfectly leveled.

Tip: If your Crosley model doesn’t feature adjustable feet, use sheets of paper to perfectly level the turntable and test the playback speed.

3. Reinstall the Platter and the Belt

If your Crosley record player playing too fast, the problem could be on a mechanical level, thus something with the platter or the belt.

So, the next best step to undertake would be reinstalling the platter and the belt, while doing a thorough inspection of whether anything is out of order.

3.1 Removing the Platter:

removing the platter

The first step is to remove the platter and check whether something underneath is impacting the rotation speed.

This could be foreign objects, breakage, spindle defects, and platter ring issues.

Here’s how to remove the platter:

  1. Using your fingernail or a flat screwdriver remove the ring.
  2. Info: This is a small ring holding the platter to the spindle.
  3. Then you can lift the platter up the spindle and put it aside.

That’s it. Now take a close look at the underside of the platter, the spindle, the motor’s pulley, and the inner ring of the platter.

We recommend cleaning the platter and the surface under it to verify that nothing is going to obstruct the rotation. Also, inspect for any breakage or defects.

3.2 Reinstalling the Belt:

reinstalling the belt

When you remove the platter the belt will come loose, which means that you’ll need to set it up again correctly.

The issue with the speed could be coming from a loose or improperly set belt.

Here’s how to reinstall the belt:

  1. Stretch the belt and wrap it around the inner ring on the platter.
  2. Use your fingers to push the belt inwards and ensure it is tight.
  3. Hover your platter (the correct way up) just above the spindle.
  4. Pinch and stretch the belt from the right (where the pulley is).
  5. Attach the belt securely to the motor’s pulley and then release.
  6. Lastly, slide the platter down the spindle while minding the belt.

That’s it. Now put your vinyl record and test whether the speed is too high. If yes, keep reading!

4. Plug the Player into a Different Outlet

plug the player into a different outlet

If your Crosley record player is still too fast, it’s worth trying to plug the turntable into a different outlet to ensure there is no problem with the voltage.

In addition, we recommend plugging the device directly into the outlet, without any third-party extenders, power dividers, or smart plugs.

If you have replaced the power adapter of your turntable, there is a high chance that you’re not supplying the correct voltage.

You can check the voltage requirement on the box of your record player and use only compatible equipment.

Quick Tip: You can buy a replacement 9 V power adapter for the Crosley record player online!

5. Manually Adjust the Motor’s Speed

Well, if your Crosley record player too fast, the speed selection switch might be defective and that’s why the motor is working at a higher RPM.

If you didn’t know, the speed can be manually adjusted by reaching into the backside of the motor using a screwdriver or a specialized tool.

The thing is, you need to disassemble the turntable (model-based), which voids your warranty!

manually adjust the motor’s speed

So, we’ve prepared some universal steps to help you:

  1. Check the bottom side of your Crosley turntable.
  2. You should see small holes with labels 33 & 45.
  3. If not, you’ll need to disassemble the bottom side.
  4. When you open up the turntable, locate the motor.
  5. By using a small screwdriver, reach the trimmer.
  6. Info: On some models, you’ll see labels H and L.
  7. H stands for 45 RPM and L stands for 33 ⅓ RPM.
  8. Using the screwdriver, reach in and rotate left/right.

This is how you can adjust the motor speed manually. The best way to do this is to adjust the speed while spinning your record.

This means that the underside of your turntable must be reachable while standing the correct way up. Most people achieve this by positioning 2 equal height objects on both sides of the turntable!

Quick Tip: Try making very small adjustments until your vinyl record starts to sound normal!

6. Reset your Crosley Record Player

crosley record reset player

If your Crosley record player is just too fast, the final step is to reset the device by unplugging it from the outlet for 15–20 minutes.

This should reset the turntable and provide you with a fresh startup, which will hopefully eliminate the fast-spinning problem and return the speed to normal.

Have You Tried a Different Record?

If you have different vinyl records, we recommend checking how they sound and if the problem is down to only one record, the problem may not be with the turntable.

So, test multiple records, and if the issue appears on all of them, we recommend seeking specialized player servicing.