EKO TV Won’t Connect To WiFi? (Simple Solutions Here!)

If you’re wondering why the EKO TV won’t connect to WiFi, this reading is designed for you!
Whenever the EKO TV fails to connect with a nearby Wi-Fi network, the issue is often related to improper network credentials, issues with your network device or coverage troubles.
This guide will help you identify the exact issue with the EKO TV and restore its wireless connection.
If the EKO TV isn’t connecting to a Wi-Fi network, double-check the used Wi-Fi password, shorten the wireless distance and try to pair the TV with a hotspot.
Let’s review the issue in further detail!
Why Won’t My EKO TV Connect to WiFi?

If your EKO TV is failing to establish a connection with your personal, home or office Wi-Fi network, the issue is often related to thread incompatibility or network device problems.
Let’s review an organized list containing all causes for the failed connection request of EKO!
Those are the possible causes for the failed Wi-Fi requests of your EKO Smart or Android TV.
Hence, progress further into the guide to explore expert troubleshooting solutions to fix your TV!
EKO TV Won’t Connect to WiFi – Proven Solutions
Tip: Follow the steps in consecutive order!
1. Double-Check the Credentials

One of the reasons why the Wi-Fi setup of your EKO TV is failing could be due to incorrect password credentials.
So, the next step is to re-type the password used for connecting with your home Wi-Fi network or try the same key on a different device to test the network’s SSID.
Remember that the 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi threads your network device hosts do not match an identical password.
If your router is multi-thread by default, you can check the default password value for each of the threads on a sticker on the bottom panel of the network device.
Note: You can adjust the network settings and the password through your router’s web GUI.
2. Reconnect the EKO TV to Wi-Fi

Each type of EKO TV has a different UI and must be connected to a Wi-Fi network differently.
There’s a possibility that you haven’t completed the Wi-Fi Protected Setup for your type of TV properly, therefore it has refused to establish a connection with your home or personal Wi-Fi.
How to Connect EKO Android TV to Wi-Fi?
- Press the “Power” button on the remote to turn off standby.
- Press the “Up” and then “Right” arrow on the remote control.
- Press “OK” once the “Settings” are highlighted in the corner.
- Head to “Network & Internet” to display all Wi-Fi networks.
- Highlight your home Wi-Fi network and type the password.
How to Connect EKO Smart TV to Wi-Fi?

- Navigate to the “Settings” tab on the EKO Smart TV.
- Go to “Wireless” and select the “Wi-Fi” option below.
- Wait until all available Wi-Fi networks are displayed.
- Select the home Wi-Fi network from the network list.
- Write down your password and press on “Connect.”
How to Connect EKO webOS TV to Wi-Fi?
The webOS EKO TV version uses an older version of Linux, so go to “System Properties” and access the “Wi-Fi.”
Then, you must choose the Wi-Fi SSID you wish to pair the TV with.
Tip: If the connection fails multiple times in a row, restart the Wi-Fi function of the EKO TV.
3. Connect to an Alternative Thread

If you’ve already attempted to connect the EKO TV with the same Wi-Fi thread multiple times to no avail, you should test on the remaining Wi-Fi thread, hosted by your router.
Although both EKO Smart and Android TVs are multiple-thread compatible, any connection error could occur.
Here’s how to connect the EKO Android, Smart or webOS TV to a different thread:
- Open the Settings menu on your EKO Smart or Android TV.
- Go to the Wi-Fi tab and highlight a 2.4GHz or 5GHz thread.
- Press the “OK” button once your network has been selected.
- Write your Wi-Fi password and press the “Connect” button.
- Check if the EKO TV will now securely connect to the Wi-Fi.
Tip: Test your EKO TV on both Wi-Fi threads!
4. Pair the TV to a Mobile Hotspot

If the EKO TV keeps failing to connect with your router’s Wi-Fi network, then you should test the TV on your mobile device’s hotspot network.
This is a personal Wi-Fi that you can enable from any SIM-enabled smartphone and share a wireless network, which you can use for TV testing.
All you need to do is activate the “Personal Hotspot” function in the device’s menu and copy or memorize the connection password.
How to Activate Hotspot On Apple iOS?
- Go to “Settings” → “Personal Hotspot” → “Allow Others to Join.”
How to Activate Hotspot On Android?
- Go to “Settings” → “Mobile Data” → “Mobile Hotspot” → “Activation Slider.”
Once you’ve activated the hotspot function of your mobile device, view the password within the same tab and access the Wi-Fi Settings of your EKO TV.
Bring your mobile device close to the TV, wait until the hotspot connection appears in the TV SSID menu and press it with the remote.
Note: You must also activate the Bluetooth feature of your mobile to use the personal hotspot.
5. Physically Move Your EKO TV

Another solution whenever the EKO TV not connecting to WiFi is to physically relocate the TV closer to the network router or modem to improve the reception.
Too much distance is one of the most frequent reasons why devices lose connection or refuse to connect at all, so closing the proximity is a great working solution.
Here’s how to position the TV based on the thread of the network device:
- 2.4GHz Wi-Fi – 100-120 feet within the router, solid obstructions are not an issue.
- 5 GHz Wi-Fi – 40-50 feet within the router, avoid solid obstructions or thick walls.
Note: Other devices working with RF signals (microwaves, baby phones) can slow down your Wi-Fi or prevent devices from connecting.
6. Restore the TV to Factory Defaults

If you’re still unable to connect EKO TV with Wi-Fi, the issue could be related to an underlying fault with the system or misconfigured firmware settings.
So, the next step is to revert the system settings of the TV to factory defaults and complete the EKO First Time Setup, which will hopefully help.
How to Factory Reset EKO Android TV?
- Turn on the TV and press the “Home” button.
- Head to “Settings” → “Factory data reset.”
- Select “Erase Everything” from this section.
- Confirm the process and wait for the reset.
How to Factory Reset EKO Smart TV?
- Open the “Settings” page on your EKO Smart TV.
- Navigate to “Device Preferences” from the menu.
- Select “Factory Reset” from the available options.
- Confirm the process and wait until the TV resets.
Alert: Do not power off or unplug the EKO TV while the factory reset continues!
7. Factory Reset the Network Device

The EKO TV might be refusing to establish a connection with your home Wi-Fi network due to an issue with the network device.
So, the next step is to revert the system of your router/modem to factory defaults, rebuild the Wi-Fi networks and then attempt to connect the EKO TV device.
Here’s how to perform a factory reset on most network devices:
- Verify that the router/modem is plugged in and turned on.
- Find the Reset button or the “Reset” pinhole on the back.
- Press and hold the “Reset” button for 15 seconds to start.
- Optional: If your router has a pinhole, use a pointy object.
- Release the button once the router’s LED lamp blinks twice.
- Wait until the factory reset erases the system of the device.
- Access the web GUI of the router and complete the setup.
Once the factory reset is complete, the network of the router will be temporarily brought offline before you complete the initial setup.
So, for this purpose, paste the default gateway of your router within a browser on a connected device and sign in by using “admin” for the credentials.
Tip: Most routers have a “Quick Setup” function, otherwise you can contact your ISP!
Quick Recap:
To fix whenever the EKO TV won’t connect to WiFi, reconnect the TV, update the firmware and factory reset the network device.
If the issue persists, test connecting to your mobile hotspot and restore your EKO TV and router to defaults. Follow us for more!

Finn Wheatley, a Master’s graduate in Computer Science from UCL, London, honed his skills at small data science consultancies. There, he helped large corporations enhance their data capabilities by deploying cutting-edge machine learning analytics and resolving technical hurdles.