Oculus Quest 2 Controller Vibrating Constantly? (Quick FIX)

Wondering why the Oculus Quest 2 controller vibrating constantly? We’re here to help!
The reason behind the weird vibrating of the Oculus controller can be identified by running a simple troubleshooting check on the device.
This guide will provide potent resolutions to any functionality errors with the controller to restore the regular vibrating behavior of your device!
Whenever the Oculus controller vibrates, close all background Oculus apps and take out the controller’s batteries for 5-10 seconds. Next, swap the batteries with brand new units, reduce the vibration intensity, and factory reset your Oculus Quest unit.
There is much more to uncover, so let’s start!
Why is My Oculus Controller Vibrating?

To determine what causes the unexplained vibrating of the Oculus controller, it is essential to check whether both controllers are vibrating.
If only one of the controllers is vibrating, the issue is most likely related to battery failure or an issue with the controller’s individual connection.
Let’s review all of the possible causes for the constantly vibrating Oculus controller:
Those are the possible causes for the constantly-vibrating Oculus controller.
Keep reading to identify the best-working solution against any functionality issue with your Quest 2 controller!
Oculus Quest 2 Controller Vibrating Constantly – Fixed!
Tip: Follow our steps in consecutive order!
1. Exit All Launched Oculus Apps!

The vibrating could be caused by an active application or an Oculus game, prompting the controller to vibrate due to an ongoing action.
This should be the first factor of significant importance, causing the involuntary and constant vibrating of the Oculus Quest controller.
Here’s how to check for launched applications and games on your Oculus headset:
- Equip the Oculus headset and access the Visual Menu.
- Next, navigate to the homepage of the Oculus headset.
- Select the “Apps” icon on the bottom-right screen corner.
- Check whether any installed applications are opened.
Particular games and applications may have a greater vibration intensity when compared to others.
If you’ve recently played an action game with a lot of combat or a racing simulator, the vibrating might be intact if the platform is still running on your Oculus Quest 2.
Note: You must close each individual application through the provided user menu!
2. Reconnect the Oculus Controller(s)!

By unpairing the Oculus controller and connecting it again, non-lasting issues with the controller and the vibrating should disappear.
To manage the connected devices of your Oculus Quest 2 equipment, you must have installed the Oculus mobile app, available for iPhone and Android.
Here’s how to reconnect the constantly-vibrating controller in easy steps:
- Open the Meta Quest app on your mobile smartphone.
- Navigate to the Menu and select the “Oculus” headset.
- Select “Controllers” under the “Headset Settings” tab.
- Select whether the vibrating controller is “Left” or “Right”.
- Press the “B” + “Menu” buttons on the controller to pair.
- Release the buttons after the LED lights start to blink.
The controller will automatically unpair and reconnect once the LED lights have blinked for at least 10 seconds.
You can track the pairing stats of all connected Oculus controllers within the “Controllers” section of the Meta Quest app, installed on your Android or Apple iOS device.
Tip: Verify that the Meta Quest app is updated to the latest version for optimal functionality!
3. Reduce the Vibration Intensity Level

The “Vibration Intensity” feature allows for adjustment of the controller’s vibrating behavior while playing games or using particular Oculus apps.
By turning the setting all the way to 0%, the vibration of the Oculus Quest 2 controller should be reduced and, eventually, deactivated.
Alert: Remember that turning the vibration intensity all the way down will deactivate the vibration of the Oculus controller entirely!
Here’s how to access the “Vibration Intensity” manager within the Oculus visual menu:
- First, access the Visual Menu of the Oculus Quest 2 headset.
- Press the “Apps” icon on the most-right corner of the homepage.
- Click the “Settings” option and go to “Hands and Controllers.”
- Choose “Controllers” on the menu on the left side of the screen.
- Drag the “Vibration Intensity” slider all the way to “0 percent”.
If you cannot locate the vibration intensity setting, check if the headset is updated to the latest firmware version.
- For this purpose, navigate to Menu > Settings > About > “Download Updates.”
Note: By default, the vibration intensity is set to the maximum option!
4. Take the Quest Batteries In And Out!

A great way to refresh the connection between the controller and the Oculus headset is to take the controller’s batteries out and wait 30-40 seconds.
Hence, the next step is to find the Oculus controller’s battery compartment and eject the batteries until the unit discharges and refreshes.
Info: The Oculus Quest 2 controller uses two type-AA battery units!
Follow these steps to power cycle the Oculus controller by reinserting the batteries:
- Locate the battery cover on the lower half of the Quest controller.
- Gently pull the cover towards you until it comes off from the rails.
- Once the batteries are exposed, take out both of the battery units.
- Next, hold the Action buttons on the controller for 10 seconds.
- Reposition the controller’s batteries back into the compartment.
- Close the cover of the battery compartment and wait 5 seconds.
Reminder: Taking the batteries of the Oculus controller out will cause it to unpair from the headset, so you must re-establish the pairing.
Bonus Tip: Swap the Quest 2 Batteries!
If the Oculus controller still vibrates, the batteries could send a false charge as they wear out.
So, following the instructions above, access the controller’s battery compartment and insert a fresh set of functional AA batteries into the sockets to see whether this will solve the issue.
Notice: Verify that the batteries are inserted into the correct position within the controller!
5. Restart the Oculus Equipment

A quick and efficient solution – whenever the Oculus controller vibrates non-stop is to restart all of the Oculus equipment.
That also involves re-charging all of your equipment to the maximum battery to verify that there are no faults in the hardware of the headset or your controllers.
Hold the “Power” button to restart the Oculus headset for 5-7 seconds!
How to Reboot Oculus Headset Properly?
To verify that the Oculus headset is rebooting with a full battery, connect the device with a USB type-C cable to a power adapter or place it upon the charging station.
Once the LED lights of the headset start blinking, hold the power button for 3 seconds to reboot the Quest headset.
Can’t Power OFF Oculus Quest 2 Headset?

If holding the power button doesn’t power off the headset, then check if the button is not stuck.
Also, remember that an ongoing software action might prevent the Oculus from powering off, so verify that a firmware update hasn’t started while the Oculus headset has been inactive.
Reminder: Double-check whether there aren’t any games currently open!
6. Reset Your Quest 2 to Defaults!

If the Oculus controller is still vibrating without a proper explanation, restoring the equipment to factory defaults is the best next step.
This is an effective solution against all types of issues with the headset, including the unexplained behavior of the Quest 2 controller.
Here’s how to perform a factory reset on the Oculus Quest 2 equipment efficiently:
- Plug the Oculus Quest 2 with a USB-type charger and a wall outlet.
- Hold the “Power” button on the headset for 5 seconds to turn it off.
- Press and hold the “Volume Down” and “Power” buttons together.
- Keep holding the buttons until the LED indicator of the Quest blinks.
- Finally, release the buttons and wait about 1-2 minutes for the reset.
Remember that the factory reset will erase all settings of the Oculus headset and equipment to factory values.
- None of the lost configurations or settings can be returned after the system wipe of the Oculus equipment has been completed.
Note: Do not press any controller or headset buttons during the factory reset!
More Oculus Quest 2 Errors:
Q: How do I prevent my Oculus Quest 2 from overheating?
A: Take breaks, avoid using the device in hot environments, and ensure proper ventilation during use.
Q: What does an orange light on my Oculus Quest 2 mean?
A: An orange light typically indicates the battery is charging, but not fully charged yet.

Finn Wheatley, a Master’s graduate in Computer Science from UCL, London, honed his skills at small data science consultancies. There, he helped large corporations enhance their data capabilities by deploying cutting-edge machine learning analytics and resolving technical hurdles.